Served from 5pm - 10pm

Our evening menu offers authentic Danish cuisine, where traditional dishes are given new life through creative flavor combinations and modern presentation. Book a table for dinner in Nyhavn at Hyttefadet.

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The Danish cuisine is known for its simplicity, freshness, and focus on quality ingredients. It is built upon a traditional agricultural culture and has a strong connection to seasonal produce. The history of Danish cuisine stretches back in time and has been shaped by various cultural and geographical influences. Despite evolving over time, Danish cuisine has always been characterized by simple and natural flavors.

In the old days, Denmark was an agricultural country where farmers grew grains and raised livestock. This heritage is still reflected in many traditional Danish dishes. 

During the 20th century, there was a focus on preserving traditions and Danish culinary heritage. The country's economic prosperity led to an increased interest in quality ingredients and regional cooking. More restaurants emerged, serving both classic Danish dishes and modern creations based on Danish ingredients.

Today, Danish cuisine has gained international recognition and is famous for its Nordic approach that values simplicity, freshness, and sustainability. Danish chefs have received acclaim and awards for their innovative cooking techniques and the use of local ingredients.

The history of Danish cuisine is a story of traditions, agriculture, and change. It has evolved over time, adapting to new tastes and trends while preserving its proud heritage and love for quality ingredients.

"Stegt flæsk med persillesovs", also known as crispy pork with parsley sauce, is a classic Danish dish deeply rooted in the country's traditional food culture. The dish consists of crispy fried pork served with parsley sauce and potatoes.

Stægt flæsk har sin oprindelse i den danske bondekultur, hvor griseopdræt var almindeligt. Flæsket blev ofte brugt i mange retter, da det var en tilgængelig og nærende proteinkilde. Den sprøde svær på flæsket er en særlig delikatesse, og det siges, at det bedste flæsk kommer fra de gamle, danske svineracer.

Persillesovs, or "parsley sauce", is a simple sauce made from butter, flour, broth, and fresh parsley. It is a popular accompaniment to many traditional Danish dishes, adding flavor and freshness to the pork. Stegt flæsk med persillesovs is a hearty and satisfying dish that has become a favorite in Danish homes over the years.

Stjerneskud, or "shooting star," is a classic Danish fish dish consisting of a base of toasted or steamed bread topped with steamed and fried fish. Traditionally, plaice is used, but other fish varieties can also be used. The fish is served with shrimp, caviar, mayonnaise, and lemon.

The history of "Stjerneskud" goes back to the 19th century when it became a popular dish in Danish coastal fish restaurants. The creative and colorful presentation resembling a starry sky made the dish a visual and gastronomic experience. Stjerneskud quickly became a favorite among both locals and tourists and continues to be an iconic part of Danish cuisine.

These traditional Danish dishes, such as "Crispy pork with parsley sauce" and "Shooting Star", represent different aspects of Danish food culture. They reflect historical traditions, local ingredients and taste preferences, and over the years have developed into iconic dishes that bring joy and satisfaction to many Danes' dining experiences.